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Stanley Coren's Dog Intelligence Ranking

Stanley Coren is a psychology professor and neuropsychological researcher highly acclaimed for his research and understanding of canine behaviour and the human-canine bond.

In 1994, Professor Coren published his book The Intelligence of Dogs, which became his most famous piece of research. Republished in 2006, the book ranks over 100 different dog breeds according to their intelligence.

It's important to remember that, just like all children, every dog is unique and intelligence will vary from animal to animal. However, Professor Coren's research determined that the obedience intelligence in dogs, that is the ability with which they can be trained, does indeed vary.

This variance tends to align with the types of dogs breeders set out to create. For example, working, herding, guarding, hunting, and sporting dogs all require different levels of intelligence and training.

Research Method

According to Professor Coren, 51% of a dog's intelligence stems from its genes while 49% is based on environmental circumstances.

Included in the 2006 republication of The Intelligence of Dogs are three types of canine intelligence: instinctive, adaptive, and working and obedience. Together, they evaluate the animal's problem solving capabilities, obedience, memory, social training and powers of observation.

The latter of the three categories, namely working and obedience intelligence, was, and is still today, the most widely discussed when considering canine intelligence. After all, it relates to a dog's ability to learn from humans, therefore would naturally be used by us as a point of reference.

Below you will find Professor Coren's dog intelligence ranking from the republished edition of his work in which 131 breeds are ranked.


Stanley Coren's Dog Intelligence Ranking
  1. Border collie

  2. Poodle

  3. German Shepherd

  4. Golden retriever

  5. Doberman Pinscher

  6. Shetland Sheepdog

  7. Labrador Retriever

  8. Papillon

  9. Rottweiler

  10. Australian Cattle Dog

  11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

  12. Miniature Schnauzer

  13. English Springer Spaniel

  14. Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervuren)

  15. Schipperke

  16. Belgian Sheepdog

  17. Collie

  18. Keeshond

  19. German Shorthaired Pointer

  20. Flat-Coated Retriever

  21. English Cocker Spaniel

  22. Standard Schnauzer

  23. Brittany

  24. Cocker Spaniel

  25. Weimaraner

  26. Belgian Malinois

  27. Bernese Mountain Dog

  28. Pomeranian

  29. Irish Water Spaniel

  30. Vizsla

  31. Cardigan Welsh Corgi

  32. Chesapeake Bay Retriever

  33. Puli

  34. Yorkshire Terrier

  35. Giant Schnauzer

  36. Portuguese Water Dog

  37. Airedale Terrier

  38. Bouvier des Flandres

  39. Border Terrier

  40. Briard

  41. Welsh Springer Spaniel

  42. Australian Shepherd

  43. Manchester Terrier

  44. Samoyed

  45. Field Spaniel

  46. Newfoundland

  47. Australian Terrier

  48. American Staffordshire Terrier

  49. Gordon Setter

  50. Bearded Collie

  51. Cairn Terrier

  52. Kerry Blue Terrier

  53. Irish Setter

  54. Norwegian Elkhound

  55. Affenpinscher

  56. Australian Silky Terrier

  57. Miniature Pinscher

  58. English Setter

  59. Pharaoh Hound

  60. Clumber Spaniel

  61. Norwich Terrier

  62. Dalmatian

  63. Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier

  64. Bedlington Terrier

  65. Smooth Fox Terrier

  66. Curly Coated Retriever

  67. Irish Wolfhound

  68. Kuvasz

  69. Australian Shepherd

  70. Saluki

  71. Finnish Spitz

  72. Pointer

  73. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

  74. German Wirehaired Pointer

  75. Black and Tan Coonhound

  76. American Water Spaniel

  77. Siberian Husky

  78. Bichon Frise

  79. Havanese

  80. King Charles Spaniel

  81. Tibetan Spaniel

  82. English Foxhound

  83. Otterhound

  84. Jack Russell Terrier

  85. American Foxhound

  86. Greyhound

  87. Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

  88. West Highland White Terrier

  89. Scottish Deerhound

  90. Boxer

  91. Great Dane

  92. Dachshund

  93. Shiba Inu

  94. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

  95. Alaskan Malamute

  96. Whippet

  97. Chinese Shar Pei

  98. Wire Fox Terrier

  99. Rhodesian Ridgeback

  100. Ibizan Hound

  101. Welsh Terrier

  102. Irish Terrier

  103. Boston Terrier

  104. Akita

  105. Skye Terrier

  106. Norfolk Terrier

  107. Sealyham Terrier

  108. Pug

  109. French Bulldog

  110. Griffon Bruxellois

  111. Maltese

  112. Italian Greyhound

  113. Coton de Tulear

  114. Chinese Crested Dog

  115. Dandie Dinmont Terrier

  116. Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen

  117. Tibetan Terrier

  118. Japanese Chin

  119. Lakeland Terrier

  120. Old English Sheepdog

  121. Great Pyrenees

  122. Scottish Terrier

  123. Saint Bernard

  124. Bull Terrier

  125. Chihuahua

  126. Lhasa Apso

  127. Bullmastiff

  128. Shih Tzu

  129. Basset Hound

  130. Mastiff

  131. Beagle

  132. Pekingese

  133. Bloodhound

  134. Borzoi

  135. Chow Chow

  136. Bulldog

  137. Basenji

  138. Afghan Hound


Source: The Intelligence of Dogs by Stanley Coren



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